Content Specialist, Writer,
Digital Designer, & Storyteller
Looking for my next
opportunity to
create an impact.
The effective way.

My expertise
My mission
To engage & inspire
through media.

My vocation

My story

My educational background, my professional work, and my personal mission lie at the intersection between writing, design, media, and psychology.
Effective content intimately relates to psychology. When expression aligns with human behavior and human needs, it captures attention, sustains interest, and provokes emotion. To promote human connection and positively inspire, I strive to create content that is relevant, beneficial, and relatable.
I obtained a Bachelor’s in Neuroscience/Bio-Psychology from Kenyon College. While in graduate school at The Ohio State University, I held a design and technology graduate associateship. Later, while working in psychology, I studied and practiced content and copywriting, designing visuals, and marketing.